Soul Intent
Be still. Be awakened. Be Love(d).
It's never too late to become more of who you want to be, your current reality does not have to be your destiny!
We all have aspirational dreams and hopeful ambitions in our personal and professional lives, but most of us recognize
we don't always have what we need to become ourselves, by ourselves.
It's time to ditch being stuck in overwhelm, overthinking, and inaction, to having a personalized vision and game plan you can't wait to jump into.
We work together through a complete and dynamic vision-led process that will give you the clarity, tools, and roadmap to reach your
greatest potential through your greatest strengths.
Transformation from the 'inside out' is real, possible, and awaiting your 'yes' to a life designed 'on purpose'!

1:1 Reboot Coaching Package
​Feeling stuck with discerning or making an important decision?
Or, at an impasse with a specific issue that you can't seem to make progress with?​
​​You want to end to the overwhelm, overthinking, or fears that keep recycling this issue
Feeling paralyzed in the lack of momentum or non-action​​​
You're needing help widen your perspective and guidance in a discernment process, the outcome is important.
​Welcome emergence...
I help you through a process where new insights begin to emerge, and new perspective allows your vision to clear
Draw on your own soul's wisdom and clarity to regain your balance to get 'back in the game' again
Recalibrate with clear next steps so decisions on moving forward become possible and tangible
ReBoot Coaching Package Details
8 week Coaching Process
4x 1:1 Coaching sessions of 60 mins. per session
Session follow up:
Information about breakthroughs to help you fully implement changes during the week
Session summary
Weekly resource worksheet
Coach email access:
allows you to email me in the week as an urgent question or new challenges arises

'2nd Half-of-Life' Coaching Package
“Who am I? What am I doing with my life?
Why am I really here? Am I enough?
Why am I so stuck?"
Have you ever looked at your career, your relationships, or your role
in life and wondered these kinds of weighty existential questions?
You're not going crazy!
These questions and are completely normal and necessary at this
stage, and most importantly, they can be the opportunity for the
deeper attention your soul is asking for.
When you are in the ‘dark wood’ stage of life, you will notice the
'illusions of your youth’ begin to crumble. Your soul is calling you to
honestly explore the deeper questions that bring richness and value
to our life. If you embrace this process, you can emerge from the
darkness wiser, stronger, and in greater harmony with our soul’s
purpose. Which in turn, creates more space for joy, hope, gratitude,
wonder, and compassion to emerge in your life!
How can I get from here to there?
There aren’t easy answers or quick fixes, our task is to access our
inner compass, to journey and explore what life may be asking of us.
We all need help to listen to our deepest selves, identify what w really
value at our core, uncover, and excavate what we want to bring into
the world to increasingly love well, and serve others with our gifts and
calling. This is where we find our maturity, meaning and fulfillment in
2nd half of Life Coaching Package Details
4 mth. Coaching Process
8x 1:1 Coaching sessions of 60 mins. per session
Session follow up
Information about breakthroughs to help you fully implement changes during the week
Session summary
Weekly resource worksheet
Coach email access
allows you to email contact me in the week as an urgent question or new challenge arises.

Foundations Coaching Package
​I've been where you are…
Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or frustrated where you are in life, not seeing the breakthrough you need
You’ve lost touch with who you are. You are called to greater things, and you are tired of playing small
Feeling unsure of what your calling is at this point, yet you deeply desire to serve and make a difference in the world
You don’t know where to start to make the desired changes to be fully who you want to be
You wonder why “everyone else seems to “get it”, but you can’t just seem to figure out __(fill in the blank)!”
The good news is...​
With soul-sourced clarity, vision, and purpose, you can :
Break from limiting beliefs and an overthinking mind, to one that works for you and not against you
Experience deepening awareness to think, wonder, discover, and learn new ways to be in the world
Use your natural strengths to move towards positive action from a centered and hopeful place
Discard unhelpful habits and build rhythms of life-giving practices to sustain you​
Foundations Coaching Package Details
3 month Coaching Process
6x 1:1 Coaching sessions of 1 hour per session
Session follow up
Information about breakthroughs to help you fully implement changes during the week
Session summary
Weekly resource worksheet
Coach email access
allows you to contact me in the week as an urgent question or new challenge arises.
Kathryn C, Canada
Jane Sider’s Coaching sessions provided a wonderful framework for re-visioning my career path. Her process beautifully honored my spiritual gifts and helped me paint a vision of how I could blend them into a career journey that was both life-giving and sustainable. That exceeded my expectation, and she has allowed me to view my work with more alignment.
Nicole B, Canada
"I readily recommend Jane's coaching, and in particular, her attentiveness to the spiritual dimension. She has helped me not only to understand what I am doing, but why I am doing it, and where I can draw from my values and vision in shaping exciting next chapters.
I was struggling with lots of frustrations: my job, my career and my life, I was basically stuck in a good old fashioned mid-life crisis!
My whole career, I had worked so hard to get 'here' but achieving 'here' in my work life didn't feel good nor fulfilling, and left me lost for answers or plans for my next chapters.
My process with Jane really helped to normalize my current reality, understand the source of my crisis, and start to see the opportunities ahead.
I gained a greater sense of purpose, confidence and peace, as I got comfortable with my uncertainties, and I landed a well aligned new job!"
Hope R, Canada
Jane is kind and welcoming, and she made me feel comfortable and at home during my time with her! She demonstrated great care in being a support and facilitator in my own reflective process. I came out at the end not burdened with a to-do list for my life, but rather feeling a weight lifted by the discovery of how to bring my everyday actions more in line with my values and passions. I’m certain I will continue to come back to the insights I gained about myself in this process as I move forward in both my career and personal life.
© 2022 SoulIntent.ca